Thursday, May 26, 2011


So, I'm sure you guessed it.
Yep. Still BROKE!!!
We have a friend that is going to look at the computer but it takes time and we just don't have any extra time these days. And guess what, NOW MY CAMERA IS BROKE.
Both items aren't old.
It is so frustrating.
Again, I need to take it back to the store but that takes time too.

Well, that was enough of my little rant about that. On to more fun things.
Since I can't post anything I have done, why don't I post about what others have done and make me want to do.

I just discovered this blog yesterday and I just can't stop reading it. It makes me want to cry and to help everyone at the same time. Feel free to contact the blog editor to post your own secret, or give some useful advice to others. Hugs for all these people.

{Stenciled Window Treatment @ A little of this, A little of that}
How awesome is this! I have a window treatment in mind for my master bedroom but this is a great alternative, and cheaper!

{Vintage Suitcase Table @ Shabby, Chic, & Charming}
There is no where in my house that something so Shabby Chic would fit, however, I have been looking for a desk for Boogs and so I am thinking of adding legs and making a desk out of it!

{Dinning Room Banquette @ Rushartist}
I NEED something like this in my house. I can't find a table that will fit in our little condo and not stick out like 2 feet. Oh my! This just reminds me that I have never shown you guys our home. I guess I need to put that on my to-do list for when I have a camera and computer.

{Threaded Necklace @ Tatertots & Jello}
This was inspired by J-Crew and if you have read my blog before you know that I love J-crew but am not allowed to shop there, lack of mulah! This is a great option. Totally do able. Now, its just about finding the time.

Well, I think that is enough for now. I already have a list a mile long of things I want to do. Maybe I will get time this summer to catch up. Oh well!
Have a great day!

P.S. I did make the lace outlined picture frame seen here, except I framed a wedding invitation. Turned out so adorable. I have a small project that I am going to try and post about tomorrow from my phone. Maybe that will work.
**Cross your fingers**


Friday, May 20, 2011

Still Broke

Oh computer how I HATE Love Thee,
Let me count the ways.

Yep, you guessed it.
Still Broke.
It is about 1 more day away from being thrown out the window.
I can't edit pictures.
I can't research new blogs.
I guess you measure the value of something based on your need for it.

I hope to be back soon.
Be checking back because I am going to be having a secret guest to join us.

Very Exciting!


Monday, May 16, 2011

It has been too long

Hey All!

I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm not sure when Ii will be able to post my own stuff again.
Blogger (how I am able to post anything) was down for a long time.
Then I get home on Friday and find out that my laptop won't turn on.
It is only a few months old and so it is very frustrating.
I can't do any picture editing without it.
Let alone get on the internet to post anything.
So sorry.

So, as you can probably tell since you are reading this, blogger is back up, YEAH!
As for my computer, not so much.
I still have plans to do some posting but it may not be exactly what I would have liked.
But, as we have learned here before, we have to roll with the punches.

So rather than be down about what I can't do, lets do what I can.
I LOVE looking for things that inspire me.
Sometimes I get to do them right away but other times they just get stored in a little filing cabinet in my brain for the next project I want to do.
Well, here are a few the inspiring things that I have come to Love!

(Thats right, that adroable shirt is made out of Hanes T-Shirts)

(So cool. Need a sewing machine, STAT!)

(don't have a baby on the way but know quite a few that do!)

(I just loved this outfit, probably bc everything was from JCrew and can't shop there, $$$)

I think this would be an Amazing gift for someone!

These are just a few of the things that I can't wait to try. Check back for more ideas later.
If you have any ideas of your own, send them to me!

Stay tunned, because as soon as I get my computer up and running again, I will have some new things for you all!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Have you ever got caught up in the I WANTS?
I know I have.

I WANT a sewing machine.
I WANT to be skinnier.
I WANT fuller hair.
I WANT to be able to eat whatever I want and it not affect my
I WANT a Silhouette machine.
I WANT to be tanner all year round without the harmful effects on
               my body.
I WANT to have a stylish wardrobe that doesn't cost a fortune.
I WANT a big house so I can entertain others without the cleaning,
               cost & lawn care that come with it.
I WANT a new sofa and chair for my family room.
I WANT to be able to go on vacation and not think about money.
I WANT to be able to stay home with my Boogs and financially still
               be OK.
I WANT a little baby girl.

And these are just a few things that I can think about right now. I am sure I have a million things run through my mind all day. I get caught up in the I WANTS! Sometimes it takes me over and I just feel down and depressed about all the things I DON'T have.

THEN..... I get a really good kick in the pants and realize, I have more than I need and A LOT more than some others.
I HAVE a beautiful Boogs that (at times) just adores me.

I HAVE a wonderful Hubby who sticks with me through EVERYTHING!

I HAVE a beautiful Condo that has kept a roof over our heads for a year and 1/2. (sorry for no pictures)
I HAVE a family that is healthy.
I HAVE Friends and Family that love and care about me.
I HAVE the ability to make money and work to make a better life for my family.

I HAVE the freedom to write and blog whatever I wish.
I HAVE food a water readily available to me.

I guess if I look at things from this perspective, what I do HAVE is a lot better than what I DON'T.

Tell me what you are happy to HAVE!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Homemade Body Scrub {Happy Momma's Day}

Never know what to get the Momma that has EVERYTHING...
How about something hand made and from the heart.

Well after looking up some different recipes online, I went to the store to shop for the items I need.

Pure Cane Sugar: $1.00 - Dollar Store
Epsom Salt, scented Lavender (can see my husband couldn't wait to open it to smell it): $3.99 - Walmart
Jar: $2.99 - Walmart
Spoons (set of 4): $0.93
EVOO - Household Item
Food Coloring- Household Item

I did spend a little much at first but I have a TON of salt and sugar left over and would just need to buy a new jar.

I started out by putting 3/4 cup of Pure Cane Sugar and 3/4 cup of Epsom Salt and 1/4 cup of EVOO.
The consistency was great!

I wanted to turn it purple to match her bathroom. All I had was Gel food coloring,
which I thought would work just the same.

I added a drop of red and a drop of blue into the scrub.

This is what it looked like:

 As you can see it turned it a weird green and then I just ended up with blue and red speckles all over.
Not what I had planned. So, I tried putting the blue and red food coloring in water to get the right color.

It was the color I wanted and then poured it into the scrub.

Bad Idea!

It just got more runny and didn't really change the color at all or take away the speckles.
I had to add more Sugar and more Salt to get it back to the right consistency. I just did equal parts.

Again, you live and you learn. Trial and error works great.

This was the final product with a ribbon and spoon.

You can see it was a little green but I put it with a green Loofah and a green eye mask.

Happy Momma's Day!
Hope you enjoy.


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